Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I made a chibi Bionca.

I am practicing with Paint Tool Sai a bit, I think I finally got the hang of it, so depending on how busy I am this weekend you may be able to expect page 2! Or at least a mini comic of some sort.

I hope you enjoy!


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

So I found an alternative

     So no, my Photoshop crisis has not been resolved, but I have found a pretty good alternative for the time being. That being Paint Tool Sai. It's going to have to do for now, and I honestly like it better than Photoshop (in some aspects). I have been doodling in class a lot, and I just messed around with Paint Tool Sai for like, 8 hours today. So here are some of the outcomes of my procrastination.
     (On a more personal note, I am struggling with some emotional problems as of right now, along with school and work, so I may not be posting as often for the next month. But over spring break I would expect some new work, and hopefully page two by then! I'm not asking for sympathy, I'm doing pretty well now, but It's just something I wanted to get out there. So sorry for the lack of art!)

So the first two drawings are not actual characters for TROA, but the last on is. She doesn't have a name, but I did create a character with the same color schemes a few years back and I was going to use her for a side story.
I did a lot of experimenting with colors and skin tones for the Manga, especially in the first image and the last image. I haven't figured out how I want to go about coloring the eyes yet though. But I will figure that out eventually. 

Anyways, enjoy what you can from this.

Talk to you all later!
